Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Haunted Gardens

I love this time of year. Everything about it. The cooler weather, the fun holidays, and not to mention the free activities to do!

We took Drake and Kera to the Haunted Gardens (Moody Gardens) today. We made use of the season pass that Grandpa & DeDe got us. The kids loved getting ready and dressing up in their Halloween costumes - Kera especially loved that I put make up on her. She is such a girly girl! We made the hour drive to go to Moody Gardens, and went trick or treating. Saw a few animals. Nothing too great... It wasn't as much fun as I thought it was going to be. So I asked Dane if we could go buy the kids some cheap outfits somewhere and head to the strand in Galveston.

After a trip to Ross we were ready. Dane wanted to try the Gumbo Bar, on 21st street. It was pretty good!! We then walked the strand, and the kids were really having fun! We stopped at the Chocolate factory and bought them an ice cream cone. Kera wanted chocolate, and Drake wanted mint chocolate chip. Of course about 15 minutes later, Kera's hands were getting sticky and dirty, so she didn't want anything to do with her ice cream anymore. We ran out of napkins so that was the time we decided to make our way back to the car. Once we got there Drake's hands were covered in ice cream. I swear those kids are two different children! Kera is exactly like I was when I was a child. I hated getting dirty, sticky, and I hated SNOW. Could you imagine. Ok, so maybe she isn't exactly like I was, but she does NOT like having her face or hands dirty.

Dane had packed his camera to take some pictures of the kids, but when we arrived at Moody Gardens and I told him, "Hey, don't forget your camera!", he informed me he left it at the house on accident. So only a few pictures from Dane's cell phone.