Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hot air balloon festival

We are back!! I slacked so much on my last family blog. This time I need to keep it up. Not only to have documentation of all of the incredibly cute things that Drake and Kera do, but to also start taking more pictures of my children! I slacked off in that area too. I rely on my camera phone now a days, and I don't want to do that for their memories. Some are okay, but for all of them? No. Even if I have to use my point and shoot, that is much better then using my camera phone for all of their memories.

So last weekend we went to the hot air balloon festival, and Dane's brother came a long with his daughter to join in on the fun. Or lack there of? It was still neat, but they claimed that it was too windy for the hot air balloons. Really? I didn't even feel any wind! So they canceled the lift off, except two hot air balloons made the attempt to take off. It was really beautiful. I wish we could have saw a sky full of them. I really wanted to stay until the glow take off at night, but Dane's brother wanted to go :). Maybe next year.

We had a good time though. We saw 2 hot air balloons, sky divers, we ate kettle corn, and I bought Drake and Kera a dora and spiderman balloon blow up thingy. I think they had fun visiting with their cousin, and enjoyed the change of scenery and nice fresh air!

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